Tolworth Infant & Nursery School 


Welcome to Tolworth School. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little better. Tolworth School is a federation that formally links Tolworth Infant and Nursery School with Tolworth Junior School. Our Nursery provides the equivalent of 52 part-time places for 3-4 year olds with some of these places allocated as full 30 hour places. We also have a small number of targeted 2 year old places. Reception and Years One to Six each have three classes of up to 30 children.

The school is tucked safely behind Tolworth Broadway, away from the noise and traffic of the main road, with plenty of green space available to us for play and learning. We enjoy a close relationship with Tolworth Children’s Centre, which shares our site. We are a positive and vibrant community school where ‘happy children, successful learners’ is our motto. We work hard to support every child so that they can reach their full potential.

This website has been designed to answer as many of your questions as possible however, we are always happy to show you round. If you require paper copies of any information on our website please contact the school office.


Mrs Rachel Seivright Nye, Headteacher